Memorabilia in February, 2020

1.  The company has made lots of preparations in the prevention of the new coronavirus epidemic;

2.  The company has carefully implemented the flexible work time arrangement of duty, and completed the work related to the resumption of work during the epidemic prevention period;

3.  The company has taken the financial audit of the 2019th fiscal year;

4.  The Labor Union has reported the final accounts of 2019 expenses and 2020 expenses budget as required;

5.  The Labor Union has carried out the selection and submission of women pacesetters of 2019 according to the of superior documents.

Address: No. 182, Jianghan Road, Chengdu, China   Post Code: 610031
TEL: 0086-28-86634049 FAX: 0086-28-86633710 E-mail: